Tuesday, March 23, 2010

George Jack's Indiglorious Now on Sale

We are very pleased to announce that George Jack's new collection of poetry, Indiglorious, is now on sale at the Cosmopsis Bookstore. Order your copy today, and come out and see George perform a piece at the Nesmith Library in Windham on April 3.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Cosmopsis Quarterly 4 Released!

We are pleased to announce that we have been busy at Cosmopsis Books. In December of 2009, we released Cosmopsis Quarterly 4, the fourth installment of a literary journal we imagine would be called "breathtaking and critical to own" by a reviewer at the New York Times if we bothered with the media game. No, we're too busy at Cosmopsis Books trying to read and publish some of the best stories and poetry being written today.

Take a look over at the Cosmopsis Bookstore to check out the latest titles. Thanks!